Halo42 Research

Mark Turnipseed
From Fitness to Beauty

From Fitness to Beauty

Some of you may find it strange that I went from health, wellness, and fitness blogging to beauty blogging. For a few months, I was wondering what I was doing too. However, it’s becoming abundantly clearer as I write more and more about all the aspects of beauty. The reasons are two-fold, and throughout this article, I will explain each.‍Firstly, long hours of fitness and changing lifestyles to accommodate a strict diet are practices that not just everyone can get behind for a variety of different reasons. Beauty, on the other hand, is something everyone can get behind. ‍While not...

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Mark Turnipseed
Four Reasons to Use Body Oil Over Lotion

Four Reasons to Use Body Oil Over Lotion

For most of my life, body moisture has been all about lotions and creams. Often, they come in obnoxiously big bottles and when they inevitably explode in the gym bag, the bag becomes useless. I’ve never found one body moisturizing product that checks all the boxes that I expect a body moisturizer to check, and some have even left my skin itchy and dry that I wonder how they were ever marketed as a moisturizer. Considering I have oily skin to begin with, it’s absurd that a moisturizer could ever have this effect. I thought I was just out of...

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Mark Turnipseed
A Good Night’s Sleep

A Good Night’s Sleep

For most of my life, I had trouble sleeping. I was prescribed different prescription drugs such as Xanax and Ambien to help me calm down and fall asleep. Most nights, I would add in a night cap of some beer or liquor, and maybe a hit of weed too. I complemented all of this with a mindless TV show like “family guy,” until I had slowly drifted into oblivion. I had a difficult time taking the edge off enough to get a good night’s rest. Today, I’m happy to say that this is no longer the case for me. I...

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Mark Turnipseed
Mindfulness Over Matter

Mindfulness Over Matter

You may have already realized this, but it turns out that we humans are pretty crappy at paying attention. A study done by two Harvard Psychologists in 2010 (Killingsworth & Gilbert) found that on average, we’re only present 53% of the time. That means we spend a whopping 47% of our time aimlessly wrapped up in our memories of the past or hypotheses of the future. Ever walked head-on into a telephone pole whilst scrolling through your social feed? Yeh, me too. Now, it’s important to note that not all of our time spent outside of the present moment is...

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