Throughout the day, it is easy to become drained, but it’s not so easy to know why. We all know that a jolt of caffeine can bring us back, but what if we knew the cause for our exhaustion? Could we be able to prevent it? Today, I’m going to provide a look into these questions with current research, and then show a few examples of energy recharging problems with solutions. The research is in, and it shows that we know a lot of things that are draining our cup, yet we still take part in these activities. In fact,...
I know that nothing feels better than a nice splash of warm water on your face and I hear all the time from clients of mine that they just don’t enjoy rinsing with cold water. Interestingly enough, our body is more averse to heat than it is cold. Think of touching a match vs. touching an ice cube. The water on your face may not be the same extreme, but the same response occurs on a cellular level depending on varying levels of temperature. Therefore, if you can get your mind around it, cold water can become one of your...
When I was in recovery from heroin addiction, I learned how to practice mindfulness during my self-care routine, which I frequently talk about in the Halo 42 blogs. Among the many benefits that come from mindfulness, including stress and anxiety reduction, I have developed a newfound understanding of self-compassion, a term often misunderstood. I’m going to explain compassion, its benefits, and provide you with some actionable steps you can take to bring compassion into your own life through your self-care routine. Compassion comes from the Latin root word com-pati, meaning “to suffer with,” and if that’s the meaning of compassion, then...