Understanding Clean Beauty: Myths, Facts, and Halo42's Perspective
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Clean beauty. We all think we know what it means—products with natural and organic ingredients. Or maybe it’s the packaging those products come in, ensuring they are housed in containers that don’t leach chemicals and are recyclable. But is that what “clean beauty” really means?
A recent article in Vogue points out there is actually “no formal definition of clean (retailers and brands self-define the term).” While the EU banned or limited more than 1,600 ingredients for cosmetics, the U.S. clocks in at only 11 restrictions.
Marketplaces like Credo only carry products that earn its clean stamp of approval—ensuring they are safe, sustainable, ethical, and transparent in terms of ingredients, manufacturing process, the product itself, and the packaging. However, not all products marketed as clean fall under these strict guidelines. If that leaves you feeling confused about what “clean beauty” is, chances are you aren’t alone.
So, how do we know what clean beauty is and why it’s important? And exactly how important is it? The true answer might surprise you.
The Vogue article interviews six beauty experts to get their take on what clean beauty means to them, since the topic seems to be subjective. And that got us thinking. If there is no true definition of what it is, we need to let you know what clean beauty means to us at Halo42.
Halo42 co-creator Mark Turnipseed shares, “After reading the article, I think Ann Jackson at the very end has the best summary of clean beauty. It is something we should all strive for, and it plays a role in every aspect of the product, including its production. Beyond making claims about clean beauty, there should be an oath to transparency. Most of the brands mentioned in this article are not clean at all.”
When broken down by Credo’s standards, it’s clear why transparency is vital. Turnipseed continues, “I believe, much like with diet, maintaining a perfectly clean regimen is impossible and arguably not ideal. Many things we consume may not be ‘clean,’ yet our body processes them into waste without causing permanent damage, like occasionally eating a couple of hot dogs.”
As the clean beauty trend gains momentum, several misconceptions have surfaced, leading to confusion among consumers. Here, we debunk some of the most common clean beauty myths:
1. "Natural Always Means Safe"
One of the biggest misconceptions about clean beauty is that if an ingredient is natural, it must be safe. This isn't necessarily true. Natural ingredients can be just as irritating or harmful as synthetic ones, depending on an individual’s skin type and allergies. For example, essential oils, while natural, can cause skin irritation for some people.
2. "Clean Beauty Products Are Less Effective"
Another common myth is that these products are less effective than their traditional counterparts. This stems from the belief that without synthetic chemicals, products can’t perform as well. However, clean beauty products can be equally effective, as they often contain powerful natural ingredients like plant-based retinoids or antioxidants that are just as potent, if not more so, than their synthetic versions.
3. "Clean Beauty Is More Expensive"
Many people assume that these products come with a higher price tag. While some luxury brands might be pricier, clean beauty is available across a wide range of price points. It’s all about researching and finding brands that offer both quality and affordability.
“At Halo42, we don't believe that clean beauty is the only way, and we don't fear using certain highly effective compounds. We promote a healthy understanding of the pros and cons, the benefits and the risks, and we aim to be completely transparent. We endorse both a clean lifestyle and the balance of certain dermatologic advances that can greatly help people, like our treatment-based Zinc Sulfur Mask . This mask is not a clean beauty organic product, but when used appropriately, it causes no harm.”
Another article from March 2023 in The Cut states, “Clean beauty is a made-up marketing term meant to convince you that a product is harmless. Similarly, natural beauty is meaningless. What I hope will not be meaningless: the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act, a regulatory overhaul that became law at the end of last year and will enforce greater oversight of cosmetic products and facilities. (Unbelievably, it’s the first major update to the FDA’s cosmetics regulations since 1938.)”
Much like Turnipseed’s statement about diet, The Cut article suggests that as long as products are not loaded with toxic chemicals, using them in moderation is not unsafe. Simply because something is not organic doesn’t mean it’s going to harm you. The human body comes with its own filtration system, which is often more effective than a brand convincing you their product is completely organic—a hard find in this day and age.
The clean beauty movement is evolving, and several trends are shaping its future:
1. Increased Regulation and Transparency:
2. Sustainable and Ethical Sourcing:
3. Technological Innovations:
The topic remains an evolving concept, heavily influenced by personal interpretations and marketing strategies. At Halo42, we strive to balance the ideals of clean beauty with the effectiveness of advanced dermatologic treatments, always prioritizing transparency and the well-being of our customers.
Interested in learning more about clean beauty and how it fits into your lifestyle? Explore our range of products and discover the Halo42 difference. Visit our collections today!