Interwoven Paths of Dermatology and Psychology

Written by: Mark Turnipseed



Time to read 3 min

Skin – our body's largest organ – isn't just the boundary that defines us physically; it's a mirror that reflects our internal emotional states. Have you ever considered that there's a burgeoning field at the intersection of psychology and dermatology called psychodermatology? This specialized area is making waves, bridging the gap between mind and skin, and reshaping our understanding of their profound connection.


Diving into the intricate realm of psychodermatology, we at Halo42 understand, firsthand, the profound intersection of skin health and mental well-being. Navigating through life's challenges, both Tim and I have witnessed the transformative power of holistic self-care. With Tim's brave confrontation with cancer and my journey from the precipice of despair, we've discovered a shared mission: to illuminate the path of healing and self-redemption for others. As we delve deeper into this topic, remember, amidst the intertwining challenges of skin and psyche, there's a story of hope and resilience waiting to unfold for each of us.

The Power of Emotion over Epidermis

An anecdote from Dr. Rick Fried at a dermatology conference some years ago captures the essence of the field: when a fellow dermatologist doubted the interplay between emotions and skin, a faux observation about the skeptic's zipper being down caused him to blush deeply. Such an instantaneous skin reaction, simply from a thought, underscores the profound link between our emotions and our skin.


Dr. Fried, a clinician who transitioned from psychology to dermatology, asks, "How is it that a fleeting thought, such as the fear of having made a faux pas, can instantly trigger every blood vessel in the skin to react, causing blushing?" This observation is testament to the deep-seated connections between mind and body.

Psychodermatology's Rise

While Europe has been at the forefront of psychodermatology, its acknowledgment in the U.S. has been slower, with few specialized clinics and limited integration into medical curricula. According to the Association for Psychoneurocutaneous Medicine of North America (APMNA), the movement predominantly involves dermatologists and psychiatrists. However, with the evident psychological ramifications of dermatological conditions, the door is wide open for psychologists to delve in and contribute.

Categories of Psychodermatology Disorders

Dr. Gorbatenko-Roth identifies three primary categories of psychodermatology disorders:

  1. Skin issues exacerbated by emotional states.

  2. Psychological challenges stemming from conspicuous skin conditions.

  3. Mental disorders that express themselves through the skin, such as delusional parasitosis.

Each category emphasizes the intertwined nature of skin and psychological well-being and highlights the potential role for psychologists in providing interventions.

The Vicious Cycle of Skin and Stress

A 2014 survey by the National Rosacea Society provides a perspective into the emotional turbulence that skin conditions can engender. Of the respondents, 90% indicated reduced self-confidence and self-esteem, with over half avoiding face-to-face interactions due to their condition.


This mental distress not only results from skin conditions but can also exacerbate them, creating a cruel loop. Stress is known to worsen conditions like acne, eczema, rosacea, and hives, to name a few. Fortunately, addressing the psychological components can lead to improvements in the skin conditions themselves.

Innovative Psychological Approaches

Both Dr. Fried and Boston psychologist Dr. Ted A. Grossbart have championed various therapeutic techniques to assist patients with skin conditions. Interventions, often complementing dermatological treatments, range from hypnosis, meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and guided imagery. One of the goals of these therapies is to empower patients with a sense of control, allowing them to manage stress and avoid emotional magnification of their conditions.


For instance, Dr. Grossbart utilizes hypnosis by helping patients focus on an image that represents the desired skin change. He remarks, "Many already engage in negative hypnosis unknowingly. Harnessing this mechanism positively can lead to dramatic results."


Furthermore, innovative online interventions, like the 'YP Face IT' platform designed for young individuals distressed due to appearance-affecting conditions, equip users with coping strategies and social skills.


In Closing

The evolving landscape of psychodermatology highlights an urgent call to action for psychologists. As Dr. Gorbatenko-Roth iterates, "Dermatologists are striving to aid their patients, but they often feel unequipped to address the emotional ramifications fully. Psychologists, with their expertise, can fill this gap."


For every individual grappling with skin challenges, there's an unspoken narrative of internal strife. As we understand the profound intersection of skin and psychology, we can hope to address both with the sensitivity and expertise they deserve.


Halo42's Call To Action

Diving into the intricate realm of psychodermatology, we at Halo42 understand, firsthand, the profound intersection of skin health and mental well-being. Navigating through life's challenges, both Tim and I have witnessed the transformative power of holistic self-care. With Tim's brave confrontation with cancer and my journey from the precipice of despair, we've discovered a shared mission: to illuminate the path of healing and self-redemption for others. As we delve deeper into this topic, remember, amidst the intertwining challenges of skin and psyche, there's a story of hope and resilience waiting to unfold for each of us.

Mark A. Turnipseed

Best Selling Author and Co-Founder and CEO of Halo42 Skincare, Mark A Turnipseed found his way into writing about wellness after a few near death experiences related to physical and mental health. In his fight for survival he was introduced to a way of living that brings great fulfillment and health and now hopes to share the benefits of his wellness knowledge with the world through Halo42.